Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A Spring In My Step

Today started on such a perfect foot; a foot ready to step towards crafty bliss. I wanted to work more on the quilt that I started way back in the Fall. I thought that I would watch a marathon of Pretty Little Liars all day, whilst working on the project. Tonight the Spring finale of the show will be on. Apparently, the identity of "A" will finally be revealed. I am very confident that this is another season finale that will not prove the identity of "A." It seems like every year that tasty carrot is dangled in front of us, only to be a parsnip.

My efforts to focus on the quilt were thwarted when other tasks got in the way. It was one of those "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" sort of days, where one task materialized, which then produced another and another. I never did get to that quilt. Fortunately, there is always tomorrow.

The good news- look at my book cases! They are getting tidier, aren't they? The task of re-organizing my books has taken time, but it's nearly complete. It feels fantastic to have that done. To have my books, neatly organized and categorized is very satisfying.

While I'm on the subject of books...I've recently seen a trend where thirtysomethings are feeling nostalgic for the "Scary Stories To Tell In the Dark" series. According to an article on nerdist.com, a documentary on the series is in the works. I find this to be very exciting. As you can see, I am a fan of the books. I loved those books when I was a little girl. I remember reading the first book in the series, when I was in the 5th grade. I thought the chilling stories were so thrilling and the illustrations were unnerving. At that point in my life, I was already a fan of monsters. I loved the Fall, and Halloween was my favorite day of the year. I still love spooky tales. A few years ago, I tracked down all of the books in the series at Goodwill. I am so happy to have those, to read them whenever I wish to feel spooked. Way back when I was worlds away, with my nose to those pages, I had no idea that I was exposing myself to literature which would later be banned. In fact, a number of my childhood books that I have in my personal library were or are on the banned book list. I am so happy that I was able to enjoy those stories and illustrations. My parents certainly shielded my eyes from inappropriate movies when I was a child. When it came to books, I was able to choose what I read. I never picked things that were inappropriate for my age, but even the most unexpected books were on the naughty list.
As an adult, I look back at the books that I enjoyed reading and smile. I read because I wanted to, not because there was the promise of a free personal pan pizza. When I was little, the nearest Pizza Hut was 30 miles away. The reward for reading a book, was the opportunity to drift away to another world. I don't know how many times I spent at "Green Gables," or played alongside "Ramona Quimby."
Now, with my books neatly sorted, it will be so much easier to travel through space and time. With that major task completed, I can focus my energy on more Spring cleaning chores and then I'll be able to create even more. Tomorrow, my project of the day will be the quilt. It would be nice to finally get back on that project and finish it. The weather is warmer and it is getting easier to get more inspiration for projects. I'll be certain to post about the quilt when I complete it.
Until nex time~ Toodahloo!

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