Friday, September 28, 2012

I Completed The Doggy Jacket!

The Autumnal Equinox has passed, bringing forward colder nights and chilly mornings. My canine baby requires a jacket; due to low body fat and short hair. I decided to repurpose an old tweed jacket into a lovely doggy jacket. First, allow me to explain that a) I never wore the jacket b) I bought it during the tweed fashion craze a few fall seasons ago and c) I obtained it at a local church rummage sale for, about, $3.00.

The jacket, lovely as it was, felt too masculine to me and I could never bring myself wear to it. So, it sat, unloved in my bedroom closet for a long while. The great thing about the use of the jacket, is that, I still have plenty of material left over to use to repurpose into a handbag project for another day!

I used a fleece doggy jacket that I already had to trace into a pattern. This way, I would be certain that the jacket fit properly. I also traced the pattern of the jacket onto an old flannel shirt that I bought at the rummage same rummage sale as where I purchased the tweed jacket. I used the flannel as a liner.


I placed the layers with their right sides facing each other. I had to use a no. 16 size needle and a large stitch, because the tweed was so thick. I finished the belly straps with the addition of green felt and Velcro. I added a collar on the back of the neck line and for the breast strap, I added a wine colored bow tie. For an added touch, a sewed a button from the jacket on each side of the collar, which helped to keep the collar pinned down.
Here is a side view of the jacket.
Overall, I think that this jacket will keep my pooch nice and toasty once November comes along. Also, my doggy not only looks very stylish, but he's ready any time he wishes to go to a Doctor Who theme party! I look forward to what my next project will be. Until next~ Toodaloo!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Woohoo, Crafting Has Resumed!

It is that time of year, again, where I begin to get in touch with my crafty side. Over the summer, I have begun work on various crafts, but I never finished them; because summer is such a busy time. I fully intend to complete these crafts and will post them as I go. Today, I began working on a tweed jacket, for my dog. I used a fleece jacket that he already has to trace, so that I could make a pattern. I have been taking photos as I work on the project and will write a post detailing the construction of the jacket as soon as I am done with the project. I only need to sew it, at this point, and that can be time consuming.
As I was looking for fabric to use to make the jacket and a purse that I wish to make, I found many bits of material, from past projects, that I'd completely forgotten about. Seeing this fabric made me think of all new things that I can make and it is very exciting. I look forward to jumping back into making fun crafts and sharing them with you. With any luck, the more I craft, the more I'll post, and that would be great to do again! Until next time ~Toodaloo!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Ladytoesocks Is Back!

I finally have a topic to write about! I know that it has been a long time and I have posted many, many letters promising my return. So, here I am, finally. I was watching a movie, last week, and one of the characters made sweet potato biscuits. I had never heard of such a thing, but I was intrigued. I love biscuits and the idea of trying a new type of biscuit was a very exciting idea. I went in search for the perfect recipe on the Internet. What I found was as true as any other recipe that I use; which is, tweak it and it will be as you like it. Where the recipe called for milk, I used sour milk and I used more baking powder and shortening than the recipe used, and I added herbs de Provence. The end result was a dense biscuit, similar to a yeasty biscuit, with a savory sweetness that is unparallelled. They were even better, this morning with a cup of coffee. If you have the opportunity to make biscuits, search for a sweet potato biscuit recipe, make it yours and enjoy! Until next time~ Toodaloo!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ahhhhh, I'm still here! I, actually, did an awesome project, the other day, revamping old lamps. Lighting can be very expensive. Lamps tend to cost between $20.00 - $60.00; the reasonably priced ones, that is. When you start purchasing lamps for multiple rooms, it can get to be very expensive. So, I decided to use what I could find already existing in the house and buy inexpensive, second hand, lamps with the idea of giving them a make over. I found two lamps that looks like they were purchased in the1980's. I removed the shades and taped plastic bags over the base and the bulb area and then I spray painted the lamps. Then, I took an old prom gown and used the fabric to cover the lampshades. It didn't cost anything to do this, because the spray paint was already in supply at the house. Even though the lamps are different shapes, they still work well together. Both of the lamps were painted the same color, I used the same fabric for the shades, and the lampshades are the same shape. The differences between the two will make for visual interest when they are put in the same room. I wish that I had taken a before photograph of the lamps to show the difference. Since I did not, I will not post a picture. The next time that I do this, I will document the process and post a follow up to this post. I really liked the results and I like saving money even more! I have so many repurposing projects that I wish to do, so I'll post those as I work on them. Until then~Toodaloo!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'm Still Here!

So, it is now an entirely new year and I've experienced a few major holidays without a single post. The fact is, I have been away. I've been randomly reading the blogs that I follow. However, I have been going through some changes. I have relocated and I am trying to settle into things. Also, I am trying to figure out what my next step is. So, in all of this, what would I have to actually blog about? Once I am settled, I'll be very excited to blog again. Until then, know that I do exist and I look forward to starting this endeavor again. Until next time~ Toodahloo!

I Hosted a Tryazon Party Featuring Wiley Wallaby Licorice

  Before I begin writing about my party experience I want to first disclose a few things. First, I was not paid by Wiley Wallaby or Tryazon ...