Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Pacing Myself

The above photo illustrates how I have been feeling lately. It has been over a week since my last post. I intended to write about the various craft projects that I had been working on, but then I came down with something. I am not sure if I am dealing with allergies, something that always plagues me this time of year, or if the shifting weather brought on a cold. When I had a girls day out with my dearest friend, the weather was phenomenal. The weather has been quite mild, but then the next day the weather would be seasonal. Whenever the weather has an abrupt change, I get sick. So, with the way things have timed out, between going out and about, allergy season, and weather changes, it's hard for me to pinpoint the precise cause. At any rate, I have been a bit under the weather. However, even with my cold/allergies I still need to function like any normal human. I need to get groceries, run errands, visit family, etc. I had been very busy all weekend and I am worn out I'm taking today, which is beautiful weather and a nice change from yesterday, to rest. By rest I mean, still get tasks done, but not overdo it. So, instead of making a chore list to check off, I decided to have a mental list of goals. I decided that I would do things on my goal list, when I felt like doing them, but not be hard on myself if I didn't complete the list. It is very refreshing when I can't do today, I still have time to do tomorrow. Surprisingly, I've gotten quite a bit done and I am very very relaxed. I even made myself a pumpkin latte!

Last week my husband helped me pick some of the apples from our apple tree. It was a fantastic warm morning and it was perfect weather for apple picking. 

We are fortunate to have so many apples on our tree. The better apples are up high where we can't reach them. This week, I am going to have my Dad assist me with picking more. He has a tool that enables you to pick fruit from fruit trees that are out of reach and it doesn't require the use of a ladder or step stool. Because of my impaired balance, I don't like to use ladders, and I am very cautious with step stools. If I can avoid using even step stools, I do so. 

Without any additional tools, we picked three full baskets of apples. I've already baked apple crisp and apple rhubarb pie. I plan on making a lot of applesauce and dried apples for the winter. I think I might try to make apple leather, too. I will still have some apples for baking and will spend the rest of the Fall baking pies, crisps, muffins and coffee cakes.
I mentioned earlier that I had done many crafts that I wanted to write about. I will be sharing those in upcoming posts, so look out for those this week. Until next time...~Toodahloo!

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