We adopted her when I was seventeen years old. Every day, when I came home from school, she was always there to greet me. Which helped my lonely teenage heart after having all of my siblings grow up and move out. When I packed all of my belongings up for college, I sat with her and another pup we had, then, and I explained to her why I was leaving. I told her where I'd be and that I'd always come back. I expressed how much I wished she could go with me, but that, she'd be unhappy living in a tiny dorm room. After the first week, I had a crying fit, because I was homesick for my puppy. Whenever I'd come home to visit, she was at the door to greet me. Sometimes, she even came for the ride to pick me up- she loved car rides.

When I had finished college, I lived at home again and she and I did everything together. I never went for a walk without her. Then, I went away for work and moved to another state. I missed her. A life without her involved in it made me homesick. When I did come back home, she was there to greet me. Then, I got very sick and she took care of me while I was home. Then I went away, out of state, to have surgery and to remain for treatment. I was homesick for Brandy those two weeks. When I came home, she was there to greet me. I don't think I ever saw her more excited, nor give me so many kisses as when I came home that day.
After that day, she never left my side. She slept with me every night. She closely guarded my bedroom door so that only she would allow those whom she deemed safe to enter in. She took me for walks and helped me gain my balance back. She was my physical therapist, in a way. She always knew when a walk was about to happen, even before I began the riual of preparation. She had an uncanny way of knowing what I was thinking.
When I began work again, I'd come home from school and she would be at the door to greet me. Now, she is in a better place. I take comfort in knowing, that I was there when she went; with the sun shining on her face, the soft grass under her belly and the fresh air and sounds of chirping birds swirling around her. I know she felt loved, and I know she loved me. Now, I am homesick again, but I feel that some day, when I come home, she'll be there to greet me. Until next time~Toodaloo!
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