Today was one of those days, where I'd intended to read, work on a craft, have a facial.. the girlie things that I love. However, it became one of those days where you start one task, which leads to another, and so on. So, my day began with laundry. I made a new batch of homemade detergent (because I can), then did towels and bed linens. Then, I decided to attempt washing my quilt. This needs to be done by hand and hung, carefully, to dry so that the fibers don't get worn or the stitches stretched. Well, it took too darn long to dry, so I had to throw it in the dryer with a tennis ball. Well, I just took a peek at my quilt and some of the red bled. Oh well, my quilt still rocks.
Then, I made a chicken pot pie because the roasted chicken left over from Sunday needed to be used. I topped my crust with acorn shaped crust cutouts. Then, I had to run to the store and get some sensible shoes to wear for school. Now, I have to make my bed, make a lunch for tomorrow, get things ready for tomorrow and settle down for another episode of "Being Erica."
Maybe, I can have a facial while I watch the show.
Acorn crust cutouts??? I can barely throw a frozen pie into the oven! You fancy!