Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Rediscovering My Cookbooks
Can I just tell how happy I am that it is the final day of January? This month seems to have dragged along on purpose, just to spite me. At least today was a sunny day but most of the week was cold and gray. Don't get me wrong, it's still freezing outside. When you have to bundle up just to get the mail and then actually getting the mail requires strategic acrobatic moves, and to make the challenge more interesting you happen to have impaired gait it isn't at all fun. Yes, I am looking forward to Springtime, yes it is months away, but at least January is nearly done.
Before I let the first month of the year come to a close, I wanted to write about one of my goals for this year. I had decided to become less reliant on using the internet for everyday things like cooking. I love social media, but not everything in my life requires a Google search. I have an amazing collection of cookbooks. I have some classics, some new gems, baking cookbooks, and ethnic cuisine cookbooks. I have practically everything I need to help me create fantastic dishes. I even have two binders filled with recipes that I've printed out over the years- some of them I printed out in 1998. So, I decided to start using my cookbook library again.
Once I started searching for specific recipes for making dinner or baking cakes, I began noticing some fantastic recipes for other things that I never once considered making, mostly because I had no idea that I had the recipe on hand. It is actually a lot of fun skimming through my books and finding endless possibilities.
This afternoon, I found myself getting sucked into re-watching season one of Pretty Little Liars on Netflix and I decided to bake some soda bread. I used a recipe from my "Irish Food & Cooking" cookbook. After looking through that book, I found a bunch of recipes that I had completely forgotten about. I know that a lot of those dishes my husband would love. I think I will be experimenting with those recipes over the next month. If and when I make something from that book, I will let you know. Until next time~Toodahloo!
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
2018 Planner DIY
For the past couple of years, I have relied on a planner to help me to stay motivated and organized. I have always been a list maker and I was obsessed with my Trapper Keeper when I was a kid. I decided to try to make my own planner this year, one that was more suited to my needs. The first planner that I used for 2016 was a nice planner, but it was wrong for me. The planner was organized by each month. Then, each month had pages for each week. So, if you opened the book, the pages that were side-by-side were for each week. The week pages included each day of the week broken down by the hour. It was way too much for me. I think that kind of planner is great for someone who is super busy and juggling many tasks and schedules. For me, I felt like I had to schedule each hour like I had to fill in the time with chores, tasks, and goals. Then, if I fell behind schedule or didn't complete each task, I felt like a failure. Not to mention, the planner was uninspiring.
For 2017, I needed something a lot more simple. My husband got me a planner that I really liked. It was a pale blue moleskin cover and it was a day planner. It was organized by the month, with a calendar for each section and then each day had a section to write down anything that you wanted to remember to do, almost like a journal. It was what I needed then. I never felt like a failure for not getting stuff done.
For 2018, I wanted a planner that had a little bit of everything in one spot. I wanted a section for keeping dates and a schedule, I wanted a section for organizing the budget, I wanted a section for meal planning, and I wanted a section for blog planning. That way, everything would be kept in one spot and it would be so much easier for me to function, it is my household binder of sorts and I love it.
You can buy all kinds of planers out there, but since my needs were so specific, it made more sense for me to make my own. I bought my supplies at Walmart and The Dollar Tree. The actual three-ring 2-inch binder came from Walmart. I found it in the stationery/office supply section. Sold right next to the binder was a bunch of dividers that were the same size s my binder, so I grabbed those too. Then, I bought a bunch of fun paper clips with flags on them, also at Walmart, I think I spent less than $10.00 on all the supplies that I bought from Walmart.
The rest of the supplies I got at The Dollar Tree. This includes stickers, washi tape, notepads, notebooks, an elasticated headband, gluesticks, a desk calendar, pens, and hot glue. I adhered velcro to the back of the notebook (above) and to the inside of the cover of the binder. That way I could remove the notebook if I wanted to write things down. On the inside of the back cover, I hot glued a cute sticky notepad that I found at The Dollar Tree.
On the back of each month, I glued these sections of the desk calendar. That way, I'd have a place to write down more notes and I wouldn't be wasting part of the calendar. I had already had cardstock on hand. I cut the desk calendar to size and glued it to the cardstock in order to make it sturdier and then I marked where the rings were and used a hole punch to make the holes to poke the rings through.
Then, I began the fun part, the decorating of the calendar. I was inspired by the planner videos of CheapCraftyGirl on Youtube. I intend to get more stickers for each month as the month approaches and jazz up the pages more, but this is just the starting point. I think that approaching each month at a time and sitting down to decorate the monthly pages will be fun and a nice way to relax, it will also be a great creative outlet. I think that starting each month with decorating the pages will keep me motivated to stay on track.
For the meal planning section, I designed my own weekly chart on Windows and I laminated it. That way, I could write down a meal plan for the week with a dry erase marker and be able to edit the plan as needed. Then, when the week was done I could erase it all and start fresh. I also printed out a meal idealist that I made on my computer a long time ago. I just wrote down meals that were cheap and easy to make and that my family enjoys. This list has helped me come up with many meal plans; it's great to have when I can't think straight or when we have a tight budget. Having all of the ingredients listed in the meals makes it super easy to make a grocery list!
For the budget section, I printed out monthly budget charts that I found for free on Pinterest, so I printed twelve of those. I also printed out a bill tracker chart that was for the entire year. That chart was also free to print and found on Pinterest. I also found a nice weekly blog planner free to print on Pinterest. Lastly, I went on Pinterest and found a bunch of inspirational quotes and I printed them out to stick throughout my planner. Sometimes, it's nice to read kind words when you're being hard on yourself. Lastly, once my planner was assembled, it needed something to keep it tight. With all of those pages and additional notebooks, the binder wanted to splay open a bit. So, I bought a bunch of headbands from The Dollar Tree. The packet came with an assortment of colors and I chose one that I thought would complement the teal. I simply used hot glue to glue the headband to the back cover of the binder and positioned it where I felt it could keep the binder closed. I like the way it came out. I really didn't spend a whole lot on this planner/household binder. I will continue to buy more stickers and washi tape for each month, but I will be buying them at Walmart and The Dollar Tree since I am able to find adorable supplies at those stores and they are very inexpensive. I can't wait to go find some Valentine's themed stickers! This is going to be a lot of fun! With any luck, this planner will help me feel more confident in my managing of the household and I will feel less scatterbrained. Soon, I will be decorating the house for Valentine's Day and before I know it, it will Be March and I will be decorating for St. Patrick's Day! Until next time~ Toodahloo!
Friday, January 5, 2018
Enduring Blizzards, Fighting Colds and Navigating My Way To The New Year
If you hadn't noticed. I took a much-needed break from blogging. I usually love to write during the Fall months and the many holidays that I celebrate from October to January. This year was far too exhausting for me to do any of that. I was trying my best to stay healthy so that I could enter the New Year refreshed and ready for new adventures. I made it through Christmas, which was a challenge, and just a few days later I started to feel sick. I am still recovering.
I got my white Christmas, it was beautiful but stressful. I was very worried that family wouldn't be able to make it to celebrate the holiday. My husband spent most of the morning snow throwing the driveway, while I arranged presents and helped him with the dinner preparations. Fortunately, the kids and my in-laws made it safely and it was a good day.
When it came time to celebrate Christmas with my parents and my sister families, I was feeling pretty rubbish, but I still had fun. I was hoping to post about my goals for the new year. I am not one to make resolutions, but I do like to try new things each year. So, here are some things that I wish to strive for in the year 2018, in no particular order... I want to enjoy more of what I have. I am a youtube junkie. I have been for years. I prefer to watch beauty bloggers, tutorials, etc. I also like a few lifestyle channels and I really like Dollar Tree videos. I know, it's weird. I recently cut back on my subscription feed and I only follow a few beauty bloggers and a couple ladies who do crafts with Dollar Tree supplies. The problem with being a Youtube junkie is the fact that you have so much product exposure. You see a woman using a new eyeshadow palette of a foundation and you suddenly need to get it. Even though you already have half a dozen eyeshadow palettes. The videos are fun to watch, but they are so seductive. Therefore, I've decided to watch less of those videos and only watch specific vloggers and I also decided to focus on the makeup I already have and work with that.
I have also decided to use my cookbooks more. I have so many cookbooks and binders with printed recipes. So, instead of hopping on one of my Pinterest boards in search or recipes, I am going to use my cookbooks. I also want to find new recipes to try in my cookbook library.
I have also begun using a new binder/planner and I think that it will be much more helpful to keep my life organized. I will post more about that later.
That about sums up everything that I wanted to touch base on with my 2018 goals. In other news, we had another blizzard plow through yesterday. All day long I was worried that the power would go out. The thought was terrifying as there has been a wave of below freezing temperatures lately. I made certain to have extra water in the refrigerator, plenty of candles and make-shift space heaters, flashlights, matches, extra blankets, and a clean kitchen. Fortunately, the power never did go out, but I didn't get much sleep last night because I spent the majority of the night checking to see if the power was still on. With any luck, I will sleep better tonight.
I am excited about all the new things I want to try out and all of the old hobbies that I want to get back into again. I will write more in-depth about various gols for this year over the next few weeks and more as they come. Until next time~ Toodahloo!
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