Lately, I have been feeling pressured by my loved ones to join a social network. Many have detailed the virtues of being able to get into touch with old friends past and to keep far away family updated on the goings on of my life. Many have gone into great detail explaining how to set my levels to extra private and that I can even block people from trying to find me and/or contacting me.
So, I'm on the fence. I'm not exactly one to post about my deep thoughts; and even though this is a private blog, I am still fairly vague when it comes to most things that I post about. I say vague meaning, that my posts could come from, pretty much, anyone.
One reason why I don't join other sites is because it is too open. You make it very easy for complete strangers to know more about you than they should. A lot of people don't mind that though, in fact, they sort of embrace it. A lot of people love sharing their thoughts on a public blog and have feedback from followers and in many cases friendships have developed.
As for myself, I've had to deal, in the past, with negative people who I ejected out of my life attempting to get information about me from friends that we have in common. Fortunately, my friends know better and they don't play along, because like me, they see how unhealthy it is.
So, the question is this, do I cave and join my friends, or do I stick to my guns? I'm still on the fence with this personal debate. I'll let you know how it all works out. Until then~ Toodaloo!