Whenever my area has a really terrible snowstorm, school gets cancelled; which means I get a snow day! Most snow days, I try to stay cozy by wearing warm fuzzies and sipping tea. I read a book, browse through my magazines and I do the girly things, like have a facial. I happen to really love this facial sauna; it is very relaxing to use and my face feels amazing when I'm done with it. Any time I try to give Fred a mani/pedi during spa day, he hides under my bed. Yes, I need a life.
While I have my facial, I also put my feet in this handy battery operated foot massager. I purchased this after Christmas, when it was on clearance at 75% off! I think the zebra print is fun.
On other snow days, I like to bake cookies and have lattes. Today, since school was dismissed early- due to wintry weather, I am posting on my blog and doing a serious cleaning marathon of sorts. I stayed up late last night watching Agatha Christie- Miss Marple: They Do It With Mirrors on CBC and then caught the end of the Oscar ceremony. I am very pleased to see Colin Firth win the Oscar for his performance in The King's Speech as it was a fantastic movie and if you get the opportunity to see it before it gets pulled from the theaters you should go to see it. However, I only slept for about five hours, so I was very tired getting to work today and got even more tired walking through about four inches of snow on the uncleared sidewalks during my commute home. So, my post is unforgivably dull and I apologize. Hurray for snow days? Tomorrow will begin March; which will bring with it St. Patrick's Day and daylight savings, which will further mean that winter and it's giant snow balls is nearly over! Until next time~ Toodaloo!