Well, let me see.... a while back, when I was building my mothers quilt, my sewing machine broke on me. As I was sewing away, a wheel went flying rapidly through the air. I was bummed for sure; luckily, I was only putting on the edging. Hence, sandwiching the quilt. So, I was able to do the rest by hand. So, this weekend, I treated myself to a new sewing machine that was on sale. I purchased a Brother- Limited Edition Project Runway sewing machine. It is nifty! I has all of these stitches that it can do, it embroiders, cross stitches, does automatic button holes, and it self- threads its needle! Oh, this new toy will bring so much fun to my crafts and I will not get as frustrated on this machine. My other machine, my trusty Singer, I've had since college. I was taking a costume design class, which required sewing. I got the machine as a Christmas gift and I've used it a lot over the years. I do hope that it can be fixed so that I have a back-up machine. At any rate, this summer, I hope to have fun with my machine.
I watched Hamlet the other night- it was FANTASTIC! Patrick Stewart was down right evil in this movie! It was very fun to watch.
Today absolutely must be a day of relaxation and pampering. I think a cappucino is needed as well as a good home manicure. On the plus side, it's sunny with cheerful birds chirping. Although, I do wish to be at the beach today, or rather on the coast. The salt air would do my heart some good. Puppy is getting older rapidly and she is having troubles which saddens me greatly. One some days she is terribly sick and depressed and other days she's her lively self. It's hard though, we're connected to each other like "Elliott" and "E.T."
So, a little sprucing up of myself and a treat from Ladytoesocks' cafe and I'll be fabulous! Until then~ Toodaloo!