A few weeks back, I decided to visit my local thrift store and I found a few treasures. This apron appears to be hand made and is so gosh darn cute. I use it when I am cleaning the house. I started using aprons a few years back when I came to understand that no matter how hard I try, I am messy when baking. No matter how delicately I mix cake batter, it always seems to splatter on me. Flour is the biggest culprit when it comes to messes.
Aprons, although very "June Cleaver," really do save me from a lot of grief. So, this frilly little darling is used when I clean to keep dust, grime, and cleaners off of my duds.
This spiffy mug I purchased along with the apron and a vintage Roy Rogers book that I snagged for my Pappy. When people see me walk in the room with coffee in that mug, they know right away that I am one classy lady!
Today, I believe, is Maple Sunday. To celebrate, I made myself some crepes topped with sliced Mackintosh Apples, cinnamon sugar, and home made maple syrup. I, Ladytoesocks, certainly did not make that syrup. Yes, I do tend to go a little "Martha Stewart" most of the time. However, I cannot show this syrup without saying that my Pappy made this syrup from sap taken from the maple tree in out back yard.
Yes, it has been a rather domestic weekend, I currently have a pot roast in the oven, the laundry is being done, and off and on I've been working on a quilt for my mother. I have collected old flannel shirts from my Pappy, which I've cut up the shirts to make patches. I am now in the process of making squares. Within a few weeks, my Mum, can cozy up in a throw quilt made from her husbands shirts, and I think that is just so nice.
That is all for now. I'll keep you updated on my domestic adventures. Until then~ Toodaloo!